Cherish Families advocates specialize in assisting individuals from fundamentalist polygamous families and communities during crises by offering personalized guidance, helping them make informed decisions, and leveraging available systems and resources effectively.
Our services include:
- suicide prevention and postvention counseling,
- obtaining protective orders, peer mentoring,
- facilitating legal document acquisition (such as birth certificates and social security cards),
- high-conflict parent-child reunification,
- accompaniment to court and law enforcement interviews, and
- interfacing with Division of Child and Family Services (Utah) and Child Protective Services (Arizona).
Each client is paired with an advocate or case manager who understands the unique challenges faced by individuals from plural families. This dedicated support person serves as a guide throughout their journey towards self-sufficiency and independence, helping survivors set realistic goals, create safety plans, access counseling, medical care, educational opportunities, and more. Case managers also assist with housing applications and may provide financial assistance as needed, ensuring consistent support as survivors acquire skills and resources essential for healing and self-sufficiency.