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What We Offer

At Cherish Families, we focus on serving individuals from polygamous backgrounds—whether they are members of a plural family or polygamist communities. Our aim is to empower each client to build and live a fulfilling new life. We understand that members of these communities often face unique circumstances, and our approach is therefore multi-faceted.

First, we offer culturally competent advocacy services tailored specifically for individuals from these communities.

Second, we provide a variety of training programs. Our individual training includes life skills such as financial literacy and sewing, as well as health, nutrition, and relationship education. We also train professionals from non-profit organizations, law enforcement, and government agencies to effectively support and work with individuals from these communities, helping them make a meaningful impact.

Third, through our family resources, we support families in crisis, working with them until they are not only stable but thriving.

Cherish Families is dedicated to providing services free of charge.


Our success is gauged by the number of people we assist through the high-quality programs and services we offer. These initiatives are powered by our dedicated staff, compassionate volunteers, and generous donors like you. All services are provided to clients at no cost..

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